The high cost of college education often serves as a deterrent for many, in getting a higher degree, especially when it comes to students from low income families. After all, the high costs, education loans and the resultant debt can scare anybody. Sometimes, a student fresh out of high school may feel that he is still not sure what he wants to do in his life so how can he decide which degree to opt for. Other reasons for deciding against going to college are finding oneself too ill equipped to handle the studies and pressures of college life, and when nobody from the family has ever had a higher education.
Although, some of these reasons are valid, still a person should understand that there are many benefits of college education such as high income and a better quality of life in the future. So, when deciding whether or not to go for career education, a person should keep the bigger picture in mind. To better understand the worth of college education in future, given below are some of the main college education benefits.
Benefits of College Education
More Job Opportunities
There is no denying the fact that people who have a college degree are more valued and sought after in the job market compared to those who have just passed high school. Especially, since the time recession has begun, recruitment in the corporate sector is moving at a snail's pace. And even if companies do recruit people, they would obviously prefer the ones with a college education, reason enough for continuing education.
Overall Development
College education is not just about academics. A student participates in a number of extra curricular activities during his college years. He works on a number of presentations and assignments as well. Many experts in the field are often called at colleges to give lectures to the students. All these things help in molding the personality of a person. It is a known fact that higher education does help in improving a person's reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills. Also, many of the students stay away from their families for the first time in their lives during their college years. Thus, they tend to become more responsible and serious about life while studying at college.
High Income
If you go by the statistics, there are many financial benefits of college education. Studies have shown that people who have a higher degree tend to earn approximately twenty five percent more than those without it. The reason behind it is that those with a professional degree usually have more in-depth knowledge of their field, not to mention the practical experience they gain during their college years. This makes them higher earning professionals in comparison to the non degree holders.
Better Equipped
Importance of college education can be understood from the way it equips a person to meet competition head on. The past two decades has seen a stream of professionals from countries such as India, China, South America, Korea, etc. make a beeline for America in search of job opportunities. An average American has to compete with these highly educated, experienced, ambitious and hardworking people to get a job. In such a scenario, a college education will better equip him to compete with these professionals.
Progress in Career
One of the benefits of college is that college degree holders are much more likely to get promotions and makes strides in their chosen field of work in comparison to the non-degree holders. A higher degree makes a person more knowledgeable and fosters creative, out of the box thinking in him. Corporates are always on a look out for people who can suggest them some new, profitable ways of doing things. This makes college degree holders ideal for a leadership positionand thus, they are more likely to get promoted or given a raise.
High Self-esteem
When a person is knowledgeable, going great guns in his career, earning well, it is but obvious that he will be very satisfied with his life. He will not only be a much happier person but is likely to be very confident as well. A happy person will be productive in workplace and also good in his personal relationships.
It's not just the individual and his family who enjoys the benefits of college education, the society in general profits a lot too when people become educated, knowledgeable and start earning well. Studies have shown that very rarely do educated, well earning people commit crimes. These people are more devoted to their families, raise their children the right way, pay the taxes on time and are even more likely to participate in religious and philanthropic activities. So, looking at the societal, individual and familial college education benefits, it can be said that it is a must-have in today's times.
By Aastha Dogra
Although, some of these reasons are valid, still a person should understand that there are many benefits of college education such as high income and a better quality of life in the future. So, when deciding whether or not to go for career education, a person should keep the bigger picture in mind. To better understand the worth of college education in future, given below are some of the main college education benefits.
Benefits of College Education
More Job Opportunities
There is no denying the fact that people who have a college degree are more valued and sought after in the job market compared to those who have just passed high school. Especially, since the time recession has begun, recruitment in the corporate sector is moving at a snail's pace. And even if companies do recruit people, they would obviously prefer the ones with a college education, reason enough for continuing education.
Overall Development
College education is not just about academics. A student participates in a number of extra curricular activities during his college years. He works on a number of presentations and assignments as well. Many experts in the field are often called at colleges to give lectures to the students. All these things help in molding the personality of a person. It is a known fact that higher education does help in improving a person's reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills. Also, many of the students stay away from their families for the first time in their lives during their college years. Thus, they tend to become more responsible and serious about life while studying at college.
High Income
If you go by the statistics, there are many financial benefits of college education. Studies have shown that people who have a higher degree tend to earn approximately twenty five percent more than those without it. The reason behind it is that those with a professional degree usually have more in-depth knowledge of their field, not to mention the practical experience they gain during their college years. This makes them higher earning professionals in comparison to the non degree holders.
Better Equipped
Importance of college education can be understood from the way it equips a person to meet competition head on. The past two decades has seen a stream of professionals from countries such as India, China, South America, Korea, etc. make a beeline for America in search of job opportunities. An average American has to compete with these highly educated, experienced, ambitious and hardworking people to get a job. In such a scenario, a college education will better equip him to compete with these professionals.
Progress in Career
One of the benefits of college is that college degree holders are much more likely to get promotions and makes strides in their chosen field of work in comparison to the non-degree holders. A higher degree makes a person more knowledgeable and fosters creative, out of the box thinking in him. Corporates are always on a look out for people who can suggest them some new, profitable ways of doing things. This makes college degree holders ideal for a leadership positionand thus, they are more likely to get promoted or given a raise.
High Self-esteem
When a person is knowledgeable, going great guns in his career, earning well, it is but obvious that he will be very satisfied with his life. He will not only be a much happier person but is likely to be very confident as well. A happy person will be productive in workplace and also good in his personal relationships.
It's not just the individual and his family who enjoys the benefits of college education, the society in general profits a lot too when people become educated, knowledgeable and start earning well. Studies have shown that very rarely do educated, well earning people commit crimes. These people are more devoted to their families, raise their children the right way, pay the taxes on time and are even more likely to participate in religious and philanthropic activities. So, looking at the societal, individual and familial college education benefits, it can be said that it is a must-have in today's times.
By Aastha Dogra